Why did you start this blog?
To promote voluntary solutions to the problems inherent to the nation state. This means using finacial independence, PT (Perpetual Traveling), Paanarchism, Agorist princples (Agorism), Panarchism, seasteading, among other strategies
What is Agorism/ an Agorist?
Agorism is using the truly free market (often times the barter economy or black market) to outskirt the tax man and regulator, and in doing so kill Leviathan (the state) by depleting it of it's funds. Agorist are people who practice Agorism. Agorism was first articulated by Sam Konkin the lll .
What is the PT (Perpetual Traveler) concept?
The PT concept (Perpetual Traveler) is the idea to diversify your life in a way that you are not dependent on one particular government. For instance, you may have flags (places) for domicile, residence, business, investing, data, fun, among many others, but those are the most common. The idea was first put forth by WG Hill and Harry Schultz. The most up to date information can be found in books penned by "Grandpa". His books can be found in my favorite authors section.
Why not just go along with the system?
Because at best, government is a necessary evil. The founders understood this, and tried to prevent this. But unfortunately, the experiment with individual liberty mixing with a self governing republic was a failure. Thus, in order to preserve liberty, each person must find his little corner of liberty, whether through Panarchism, Perpetual Travel, Agorism, or other freedom enhancing concepts. But why not just go along? Because all men have natural rights, that no one can take away, whether that be by government or by individual or group, it is immoral for anyone to abridge those eights, whether through taxes, regulation, conscription, or other such thing, or through direct force.
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