As I have read more and more alternative websites, the MRA (Men's Rights Advocate movement) has come to my attention. While I agree with many of it's principles, such as the thought that the injustice system is tilted towards women, some of it's hardliners would believe in limiting the freedom's of women, by such things as beatings and being totally subservient. Those hardline ideas are not compatible with mainstream Libertarianism, let alone Agorism or Anarchism in general. So how did I bridge this dilemma? Not by agreeing to the status quo, or limiting women's rights.
My idea was instead of having a family court system, abolish it, and replace it with private arbitrators that are not vested in the politics of the day, and that would rule based on equality, and not based on the mere whims of one party or another. The current system is based on a chip on the collective shoulders of minorities, and not based on objective justice. In a arbitrator based system, unless both parties could agree, the arbitrator would continue on, until and agreement could be made. This would cut down on needless lawyer fees, would unclog the justice system for real criminals, and would bring families closer, and not further apart after divorce.
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