I have come to the conclusion on something: outside of local politics (which control your immediate surroundings), politics as a free man and libertarian does not work. And with the rate in the growth of government increasing year by year, I become even more skeptical of turning it around. But there are two things I have found that individuals can do to stop the growth of government:
1. Agorism
Obviously, this is what the site is about. Using alternative tactics to overthrow the state, but mostly through markets, agorism seeks to use the black market and grey markets to get around the tax man. Such tactics include bitcoin, barter, under the table jobs, among other things. If you can reduce what you owe to the state , do it.
2. Perpetual Travel
Here is another great idea. The US government allows you to make over 90,000 Dollars in earnings overseas, as long as you spend less than 90 days in the country each year. The down side to this is that many people are not at the level of cash where you can just pack up and leave. But, on the other hand, if you do get past the yolk of big brother, perpetual travel not only can get you out from the yolk of big government, but allows you to have a better life style, often times better than you would in the United States. For instances, to have a basic lifestyle in Davao, Philippines, you will need only $600 Dollars a month for basics. It would probably cost the equivalent of $1,500 even in the most basic town in the United States in order to thrive. The downside is that while you work towards this goal, you are still being taxed. But once you reach this goal, you don't need to fly under the radar. Investing (like in real estate), internet marketing, and remote work agreements make perfect jobs that go perfect with this lifestyle.
I lean more towards the second option, but then again I don't want to be here during the collapse.
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